The Mona stery of Saint Catherine is located in South Sinai, Egypt, at the foot of Mount Catherine, oneof the highest mountains in Egypt, and is also located near Mount Moses. There are Arab mosaics, Russian and Greek icons, oil frescoes, and wax inscriptions. The monastery also contains a library of manuscripts, which is one of the largest libraries of manuscripts. There is also a guesthouse for visitors and a distinctive antique tower that contains bells. The monastery was built upon the order of Empress Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, but Emperor Justinian was the one who actually built the monastery. It contains the remains of Saint Catherine who lived in Alexandria, and Saint Catherine was born in Alexandria in the year 194 AD and was called Zorussia  She was educated and beautiful, and about three centuries after the death of Catherine, her remains appeared in the dream of a monk, so these remains were moved and placed in the church structure in a marble box next to the main structure and the monastery became 
Known by its name since the eleventh century of birth, the monastery contains a historic church with old 
     gifts from kings and princes, those valuable gifts of silver, and it  also has a well

They say that it is Moses’s Well, and the monastery was built around a tree that is said to be a mossy tree and it is said that attempts were made to cultivate it outside the monastery, but it failed and it does not grow anywhere else outside the monastery.
Hisham Technology
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writer and blogger, founder of Miscellaneous travelers .

جديد قسم : السياحة الدينية

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